Also check out some samples that we've been working on including a flashing mau5 and a rhinestone mau5!!!

Check out ‘Morty’ the zombie killer who kicks ass for the Lord!
This bear was sculpted by Wayne Taylor and model maker Gavin Wilson added the accessories such as the cup and cross.
Original art obviously comes from Mr Underhill.
Earlier on this year, we explained that there would be an end to the bi-monthly twin-set programme.
Instead of twin sets we will be introducing a brand new bi-monthly scheme called – DEAD TED SOCIETY
Members of the Dead Ted Society will be buying into a collection of amazing new Dawn of the Ted Zombie and Zombie Killer figurines which we will also launch as a direct debit scheme every other month in 2011.
Starting from Jan 2011, Dead Ted subscribers now have the option of being sent a brand new special edition DOTT figurine every other month for just £7.50 a month.
The normal retail for zombie killers will be £16.99 or above depending on the model, Club Members still receive their 10% discount on each piece and Dead Ted subscribers will only pay £15 per figurine no matter what.
We aren’t going to announce quantities at this stage, but let’s just say that some will be more limited than others. Watch this space…
If you are already a twin set subscriber, you will be automatically upgraded to a Dead Ted Society member and your payments will automatically be reduced to just £7.50per month!
If you are a monthly subscriber to this scheme you will receive all kinds of benefits over and above the normal purchase.
If you are already signed up to the Bear of the Month scheme, then this will just continue into 2011 as Horrorscope subscription with no hassle at all. If you are not a subscriber, then watch this space for more info coming very soon...
Now, check out some exclusive new images of Pisces and Aries, not yet seen outside the Bad Taste Bears Hinkley Preview!
We hope you like these great new releases as much as we do? Watch this space for more info...