An accidental freak of nature, conceived when an Underhill Inc experiment went terribly wrong; he is now confined to his glass tomb, eternally, for all to see. You’ll laugh at him, shudder at him, and yet, but for an accident of birth, you might even be as he is. Part Bad Taste Bear, part crab, part octopus and possibly some kind of goat, Jean Michel is the bear that nobody wanted. He did not ask to be brought into this world, but into the world he has come.
Originally drawn in summer 2010, by competition winner Joe and re-designed by BTB creator Peter Underhill, Jean Michel has beautifully painted details and is frozen in solid, clear resin.

Jean Michel is due to be released on the Online Store on Monday 7th March 6:30pm for £35 + p&p. Orders from the Online Store will be randomly allocated an edition number between 1 and 200 on dispatch. This means that you could receive the coveted number 1 bear – traditionally sold for £100 – for just £35!
Numbers 201-600 will be available from selected retailers worldwide.
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