We still have limited stocks of Weenicon Key chains but you will need to be quick if you want to add them to your team as stocks are very low.

We still have limited stocks of Weenicon Key chains but you will need to be quick if you want to add them to your team as stocks are very low.
This must be due to the fact that BTB collectors have been exposed to these horrors for many years and are now impervious to the infection. This is great news! Perhaps there is hope after all?
Therefore I implore all bad taste bear collectors to gang together as an experienced band of Zombie Killers and help set the world (or what’s left of it) free from the evil clutches of the Dawn of the Ted!!!
Everyone be online at 6.30pm today to capture the first wave of ‘Dawn of the Ted’ and help us to salvage some kind of humanity…..
Out of Control
If you are still reading this, then you will know that everything has gone to s**t…
I am now barricaded in an old farmhouse, somewhere in deep
After some amazing heroics from warehouse manager Billy and Dexter the dog, (who joined forces as a unlikely, blistering, zombie killing machine) most of us managed to get away in one piece and have spent the last 2 days and nights hiking up North.
We are all very tired and need to re-group our thoughts… How can we regain control of our situation and turn these dreadful circumstances into our favour?
Perhaps our beloved BTB collectors can help us?